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Monday, May 28, 2012

Postcard from Hell...

I found out I was in menopause via a postcard...that arrived in my mailbox. I'm pretty sure you can't top that - unless you found out about your "change 'o life" from someone with a megaphone driving through the neighborhood. That might as well have been what happened to me. You see, I had befriended the mail carrier - in a good neighbor kinda way. He and I would often exchange small talk at the mail box, because back in the day when postal mail actually contained handwritten letters, I anticipated his arrival.

Until the dark day of the postcard that heralded my fate.

"You are in menopause," the doctor wrote on the postcard. This doctor actually had handwriting you could read. I really didn't want my mail carrier to know that about me. I didn't want the entire U. S. Post Office to know it either. I didn't even want to know.

Now, besides questioning my doctor's communication style - you might be wondering why she would need to announce this news at all. Usually women kinda know when they are "in menopause" and don't need a postcard reminder that the reason they are itchy, bitchy, sweaty, sleepy, bloated, forgetful and PSYCHO is because their childbearing years, to put it nicely, are pretty much over and they have entered the season of...change. All kinds of change. Every change possible, actually.

Well, my excuse for being surprised by this news is because I was only 43 when I went to see the doc about my urge to place my entire body in the freezer at night. Did you know that hot flashes can be the symptom of some serious diseases? True story! I found this out while researching what I was going to tell the doctor was wrong with me.

But it's really hard to convince a 50-year-old female doctor that you have a serious disease when your symptoms involve night sweats, sleep deprivation, steamed reading glasses and a I-would-like-to-kill-you-all-in-your-sleep attitude.

But she ran "tests." I awaited them anxiously and anticipated the worst. And the test results were the postcard. Apparently, menopause is not good reason for a phone call.

And so I entered the season of denial ("I'm too young for this") and eventually moved towards acceptance. You see, you can't really do away with the dreaded thing. Every woman on the planet will experience it. But...there are ways you can manage the symptoms and the impact of declining hormones - and seriously live your best life yet!

I believe this wholeheartedly - which is why I've spent the past 20 years researching the subject and why I feel passionate about this blog. When I see women yield to the 7 dwarves of menopause as if they are inevitable miseries that justify the end of all happiness as we know it - I can get a little preachy. Trust me, I can. Because these are actually my best years. Ever. And I want women over 40, 50, 60, 70 and beyond to find the real, wonderful, beautiful woman buried in that itchy, bitchy, forgetful body that hasn't had a really good quality sleep in like forever.

I agree to acknowledge that the 7 dwarves might show up at the front door of the cottage - and even sit down a spell. But I'm not willing to adopt them and give them my name. I will say "Hi" and sometimes laugh at their jokes. But I have no problem letting them know who runs this house.

And so for the next 7 posts - I'll have something to say about each one. Consider it revenge for the postcard that showed up in my mailbox almost 20 years ago.

We'll start with...


So, one night you are thinking that an 8-hour stretch of sleep looks promising. Just as you are settling into a rare relaxed place, you develop an itch on your leg. You scratch, and scratch, and scratch and scratch until you're pretty sure you've got no skin left in that general area - and like an uncontrolled animal you think it might be time for a visit to the vet to get a cone that prevents you from reaching...whatever it is that's making you go insane with itching.

Some nights it is the leg or foot or ankle. Sometimes the arms. Sometimes it is the traveling itch.

Well, here's the deal. That crazy imbalance and decline of hormones - particularly, estrogen - has dried. you. out. Skin. Hair. Everywhere. And that is the general reason why so many women get acquainted with Itchy somewhere in their 50's.

Dehydration. Big time. I'm not a fan of insanity-mode itching. And I don't want to be hooked on Benadryl. There is a better way - and here are a few tips for slaying Itchy before he takes up nightly residence with you.

1. Increase your water intake. When I say water, I really am saying...water. No other liquid will hydrate you the same way. Caffeine DE-hydrates you. Juices will give some hydration but added calories and sugar. And soda? Don't even get me started.... Seriously, at this time of your life, it is time to become a water lover, even if you haven't ever truly appreciated the fountain of life before.

2. Exfoliate your skin on a regular basis. Using a good scrub or AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) product will help slough off those dead cells that are so prominent with dry skin and help smooth the skin, to reduce itchy dryness. I love Aveda's Foot Relief cream for feet and legs! It smooths and exfoliates and also contains cooling essential oils that minimize itch.

3. Moisturize, moisturize, condition, condition. You may have never needed much body moisturizer or hair conditioner when you were younger. But now, your skin and hair seems to drink it in! Moisturize everyday with a quality, natural moisturizer. I love shea butter creams, as well as creams with hydroxy acids to exfoliate while moisturizing. Stay away from moisturizers with mineral oil. It clogs your pores, and it's a creepy petroleum based chemical. A little essential peppermint oil mixed in with your moisturizer will also minimize the sensations of Itchy.

Same with hair conditioner - you'll need a deeper treatment than you once did because while your hair tends to thin during menopause (boo!) - it always dries WAY out. Use products that are as natural as possible. My favorite is pure coconut oil!

One exciting new anti-aging moisturizer - well, it's not new - it's just being talked about a lot since it got a plug from Dr. Oz - is rose hip seed oil. A few drops in your body and face moisturizer could be a great anti-aging addition for dry, itchy skin according to research results. And it's natural! Read about it on this link:

4. Detoxify your system. When your liver gets loaded down with processing too many chemicals or otherwise unnatural substances that have been ingested - you can get itchy! Take 2-7 days and give your liver a break. Detoxify with a clean, whole foods diet. Load up on fresh fruit and veggies and good, healthy fats (olives/olive oil, nuts, salmon, avocados, 72% or higher dark chocolate). And eliminate all processed food, caffeine, alcohol and hormone-injected meats. You'll feel better, your liver will thank you - and you may see a significant glow to your skin and an elimination of the itchies!

5. Consider bio-identical hormones. The choice to supplement with bio-identical hormones or plant-based hormones is highly personal. I have been taking them for about 7 years now and I won't be without them - as in, ever. But not everyone feels called to that. When I say "bio-identical" hormones - I'm not referring to prescription hormones such as Premarin that is synthesized from the urine of pregnant horses and is not fully compatible with human hormones (thus the tremendous risk of side effects). To understand better the concept of bio-identical hormone supplementation, check the following link:

Let me also throw this out concerning Itchy.... One of my least favorite things to hear from a doctor is, "Well, these things happen when you get older." I have never in my life been "allergic" or "sensitive" to foods until...the big "M." Suddenly, I was having itchy hives and red splotches and assorted other sensitivity reactions to foods I had previously been able to eat just fine. And yes, my doctor said..."Well, when you get older..your body changes." Really?

The indication was that sometimes Itchy shows up in the form of a food sensitivity that you never previously had! Urgh! A few common food sensitivities that pop up around menopause are: gluten, dairy, shellfish, red wine, and dear God, no....chocolate.

For this reason, it is important to always carry a couple Benadryl in your purse - just in case!

And so, that takes care of Itchy. Next post - we'll attempt to slay...Bitchy. You'll need to pray for me on that one.

And just for fun...because I used to love the Cosby Show...enjoy this humorous clip from the Menopause episode...

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