I wanted to share with you a new discovery I made recently that could help maximize your exercise routine, increase your ability to burn fat, and improve your overall physical health. Some years ago, when working in the weight management field as a nurse in charge of medical diets, I became very aware of the importance of protein in the diet.
Truth is – most women over 40 who are struggling to maintain a healthy weight do not get enough protein in their diets. In part, this is due to the restricted calories of most diet plans that women in midlife gravitate towards. Protein, and the amino acids that make up this important nutrient, is the building block for muscle tissue. Protein builds and repairs muscles after a moderate to intense workout. Protein increases metabolism for more stamina to complete a moderate workout. Protein helps rid the body’s tissues of excess fluids that are stored from taking in too many simple carbohydrates. And protein burns fat.
Generally, about 20% of your daily calories should come from lean protein sources. The RDA recommendation for protein in women is based on age. For women over 25, the daily recommended protein intake is 50 grams. But you can multiply your body weight by 0.4 to determine the daily protein needed for a sedentary adult. However, for an active adult woman (which you want to be!), the protein requirement increases.
If you are a midlife woman who has started an exercise routine with regular strength training – but are not seeing results – you might want to look at your protein consumption and find ways to increase it without greatly increasing your caloric intake.
I’m not an advocate of extremes, therefore eating only protein – without the balance of complex carbohydrates and healthy fats is unhealthy and can put the body into a type of protein overload called ketosis. Ketosis can cause insulin resistance and glucose intolerance – dangerous risk factors for the development of coronary artery disease and hypertension. A chronic state of ketosis can also result in dehydration that burdens the kidneys – causing dizziness, headaches, confusion, sleep problems, nausea, and kidney dysfunction. Therefore, keeping protein balanced with complex carbohydrates (fruit, vegetables, whole grains) and good fats (olive oil, salmon, avocadoes, dark chocolate (!!)) is important.
However, unless you are on a carb restricted diet, the more likely scenario is that you are probably deficient in protein – and that can compromise your ability to burn fat and increase muscle strength and stamina during moderate exercise. And as I’ve mentioned before, muscle mass decreases with age.
SO… I have discovered a protein supplement that I cannot live without! It’s called Aria All Natural Women’s Protein. It is made from what is called “designer whey protein.” This just means that it is a blend of whey protein and “non-genetically modified water-extracted soy protein isolate.” Importantly, it is LOW GLYCEMIC – meaning that it will not spike your blood sugar and will help maintain healthy blood sugar. Many protein bars and supplements use increased refined sugars (sucrose). Although Aria does have some fructose (fruit sugar) in it for sweetening, it also uses Stevia, a natural plant sweetener, for flavoring. The protein is also lactose-free! This is important because many women are lactose intolerant and don’t know it. If you are lactose intolerant, you tend to “bloat” with milk and dairy products. This supplement will not cause that!
One thing I love about this protein supplement is that it mixes easily with water. I put it in a blender/magic bullet for a few seconds, with a little banana (you could use any fruit) and about 1/3 cup of lactose-free skim milk. The consistency is smooth and frothy – without lumps! And there is no gritty, protein texture! One glass, with two scoops of powder in water is only 80 calories and 14 grams of protein! I’ve been having a glass mid-morning and another one after my workout mid-afternoon – and I’ve already noticed the difference in my stamina and energy level during workouts – and just in general.
Here is the Aria website: http://www.designerwhey.com/aria-protein/
I noticed on the website that there is a coupon you can print for $2.00 off your purchase! That’s always a good thing!
Enjoy a healthy day!
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The best protein supplement must contain essential qualities that is bio-available that can fill the gap of dietary intake.
The Right Place. The Right Time
This comment is true. Aria Women's Protein contains all the amino acids to make a complete protein that is bio-available. And Aria Women's Protein can also be purchased in nutrition and health oriented retail stores, whereas Synaura products are only available via a network marketing company.