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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Natural Flu Prevention

With all the media attention given to the flu this season, I wanted to offer women some solid tips on boosting the immune system and preventing flu. I have found some great information on the Women to Women website - and I hope you find it beneficial. I have been implementing all these tips as I prepare to travel to Africa next week. You can read the full article by clicking on the title above, which will take you to the Women to Women website.
Preventing the Flu Naturally
1. Food is Medicine - Chicken soup really is a healing food! Hot tea and gargling with warm salt water is also beneficial in ridding your mouth and respiratory system of unfriendly microbes!
2. Avoid Inflammation Promoters - Avoid foods and substances that suppress the immune system and increase inflammation. These include: alcohol, tobacco and sugar. Chronic, excessive stress is another inflammation promoter, so anything that minimizes stress is beneficial to the immune system.
3. Optimize Your Vitamin D Levels - Vitamin D deficiency is rampant in our culture and many women do not realize they have this. Vitamin D deficiency compromises the immune system. Connections between Vit. D and infectious diseases goes back to the 1800's. Generally, the more optimal your Vit. D level is, the fewer colds and flu you will experience. Consider having your Vit. D levels checked. They should be between 50 - 70 ng/mL. In the meantime, consider a supplement that provides at least 1000 - 2000 IU's per day. Personally, I take 4400 IU's per day - and a little more during cold and flu season.
4. Support Your Intestinal Flora - Much of chronic inflammation starts in the gut. Regular use of a probiotic supplement is proven to lessen the incidence of respiratory illness and flu.
5. Sleep! - Adequate sleep fortified the immune system - sleep deprivation compromises it! Surrrender to the desire to sleep more when you feel something coming on. This is your body telling you something! And go to bed a little earlier during cold and flu season.
6. Exercise Regularly - Regular exercise is a true friend to our immune system - particularly as we age. Exercise offsets the chronic inflammation that plagues women over 40. However, if you feel a virus coming on - minimize exericse and rest!
7. Consider your "Atmospheric" Conditions - The quality of the air we breathe is important to the immune system. Air out your home and workplace regularly. The tendency in winter is to run the heating system continously - but this can compromise the respiratory system. Fresh air - even cool fresh air - is better for you than artificial heat which dries out the respiratory system and sucks out the moisture needed to flush out toxins. If you can - use indoor air purifiers.
In general - listen to your body! Those little clues are important: the desire to take a nap, a scratchy throat, a sudden tiredness, some aches and pains that weren't there a few hours ago...
Those signs means its time to take a nap, take some supplements, increase your Vit. D, say "no" to a planned activity, gargle with salt water and have some chicken soup! Listening to these little signs can either prevent or lessen viruses that seem to be on the prowl with great fury this season.
I pray God's insight, wisdom and healing for all of you this season.
Be blessed and healthy!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Maximizing Your Exercise Routine with Protein!

I wanted to share with you a new discovery I made recently that could help maximize your exercise routine, increase your ability to burn fat, and improve your overall physical health. Some years ago, when working in the weight management field as a nurse in charge of medical diets, I became very aware of the importance of protein in the diet.

Truth is – most women over 40 who are struggling to maintain a healthy weight do not get enough protein in their diets. In part, this is due to the restricted calories of most diet plans that women in midlife gravitate towards. Protein, and the amino acids that make up this important nutrient, is the building block for muscle tissue. Protein builds and repairs muscles after a moderate to intense workout. Protein increases metabolism for more stamina to complete a moderate workout. Protein helps rid the body’s tissues of excess fluids that are stored from taking in too many simple carbohydrates. And protein burns fat.

Generally, about 20% of your daily calories should come from lean protein sources. The RDA recommendation for protein in women is based on age. For women over 25, the daily recommended protein intake is 50 grams. But you can multiply your body weight by 0.4 to determine the daily protein needed for a sedentary adult. However, for an active adult woman (which you want to be!), the protein requirement increases.

If you are a midlife woman who has started an exercise routine with regular strength training – but are not seeing results – you might want to look at your protein consumption and find ways to increase it without greatly increasing your caloric intake.

I’m not an advocate of extremes, therefore eating only protein – without the balance of complex carbohydrates and healthy fats is unhealthy and can put the body into a type of protein overload called ketosis. Ketosis can cause insulin resistance and glucose intolerance – dangerous risk factors for the development of coronary artery disease and hypertension. A chronic state of ketosis can also result in dehydration that burdens the kidneys – causing dizziness, headaches, confusion, sleep problems, nausea, and kidney dysfunction. Therefore, keeping protein balanced with complex carbohydrates (fruit, vegetables, whole grains) and good fats (olive oil, salmon, avocadoes, dark chocolate (!!)) is important.

However, unless you are on a carb restricted diet, the more likely scenario is that you are probably deficient in protein – and that can compromise your ability to burn fat and increase muscle strength and stamina during moderate exercise. And as I’ve mentioned before, muscle mass decreases with age.

SO… I have discovered a protein supplement that I cannot live without! It’s called Aria All Natural Women’s Protein. It is made from what is called “designer whey protein.” This just means that it is a blend of whey protein and “non-genetically modified water-extracted soy protein isolate.” Importantly, it is LOW GLYCEMIC – meaning that it will not spike your blood sugar and will help maintain healthy blood sugar. Many protein bars and supplements use increased refined sugars (sucrose). Although Aria does have some fructose (fruit sugar) in it for sweetening, it also uses Stevia, a natural plant sweetener, for flavoring. The protein is also lactose-free! This is important because many women are lactose intolerant and don’t know it. If you are lactose intolerant, you tend to “bloat” with milk and dairy products. This supplement will not cause that!

One thing I love about this protein supplement is that it mixes easily with water. I put it in a blender/magic bullet for a few seconds, with a little banana (you could use any fruit) and about 1/3 cup of lactose-free skim milk. The consistency is smooth and frothy – without lumps! And there is no gritty, protein texture! One glass, with two scoops of powder in water is only 80 calories and 14 grams of protein! I’ve been having a glass mid-morning and another one after my workout mid-afternoon – and I’ve already noticed the difference in my stamina and energy level during workouts – and just in general.

Here is the Aria website:

I noticed on the website that there is a coupon you can print for $2.00 off your purchase! That’s always a good thing!

Enjoy a healthy day!

Monday, September 21, 2009

No Pain, No Gain (Part 2)

The other day, as I was pedaling on one of the stationary bicycles at the gym, a lady caught my attention. She had entered the exercise room walking with a cane, noticeably limping. Dressed in exercise clothing, she was headed my way. She slowly made her way to the bicycle next to me. Not really knowing why, I removed my earphones as she hung her cane over the handlebars and slowly, gently climbed on the seat. She smiled pleasantly at me as she situated herself. Once seated, and with her left foot securely on the pedal, she gently used her hands to lift her right leg and foot onto the remaining pedal.

And she was off – pedaling slowly and rhythmically, looking about the room, and smiling at everyone who dared to make eye contact.

It fascinated me that in a gym, where the intensity of workouts produced more grimaces than smiles, an obviously middle-aged woman, in need of a cane, seemed happy to be there!

A bit breathless from my own rapid spinning, I slowed my pace a bit, feeling compelled to greet this woman. “How are you, today?” She instantly replied, “I’m great; it’s a beautiful day.” I had to agree that Portland Septembers are, indeed, the best weather days of the year.

Her knee bumped her cane, and it fell to the floor. I jumped up to retrieve it. And then her story unfolded. “That silly old thing can be such a nuisance, but I’m glad to have it.” I climbed back on my bicycle, wondering why she might be glad to have a cane. “Did you take a tumble?” I asked. “No. I had a stroke, and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever walk again. But I was determined and I’m getting pretty good with that thing.” She smiled. And as I looked directly at her, I saw that one side of her smile drooped down. But the other side was, indeed, a thankful, full grin. She added, “I’m so thrilled to even be here in a gym. And I’m determined to walk again without this cane. I just need to build my strength. This is the only lower body exercise I can do, but I’m doing it.”

I felt humbled and embarrassed for all the times I whined and complained and made exercise on an elliptical machine sound like a walk down the green mile. Or for all the times I felt burdened by the effort that exercise would require of me – and for all the years I justified my lack of exercise. I felt a great deal of instant admiration for someone who considered exercise – even a slow pedal on a stationary bicycle – a blessing and a gift.

Since the day I first spoke with this lady, I have seen her many times and now have a name for her: Elaine. And Elaine and I always greet each other – and when Elaine is there, even if I’m pretty sure I’ll collapse doing another set of leg presses….I always smile.


Deciding on a good exercise program requires that you be realistic with yourself. Exercise regimens are different for everyone – based on personality, commitment, work schedules, current health status, and availability of equipment. What I can say, without doubt, is that everyone can find some way to exercise. The most frequent two excuses I hear concerning exercise – and ones I’ve used myself – are: I’m too tired and/or I work too many hours. The unfortunate demise of those two arguments is inevitable. Exercise increases your energy level, thus easing the tiredness and weariness of long work days. And in reality, working too many hours is detrimental to not only your physical health - but to your emotional and spiritual health. Exercise relieves emotional stress. In the end, there really isn’t much gain without a little pain. And that's true in all aspects of life...

I am sometimes asked what my exercise routine looks like. I’ve shaped my regimen to work for me personally, with my particular schedule. I started slow and have built and increased the workout over time. I highly recommend that if you are considering an exercise routine for the first time, you have a thorough health check-up first.
I exercise every other day for about 2 hours. Here is my routine:
  • Ten minutes of stretching
  • 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical trainer
  • 3 weight machines: abdomen, quadriceps, arms/chest
  • 15 minutes of cardio on the stationary bicycle
  • 3 weight machines: triceps, shoulders, back
  • 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill
  • 1 weight machine: legs

I sip cold water throughout the workout - and listen to music on my iPod.

Let's take a little encouragement from Elaine and make an effort to see exercise not as a burden or a chore - but as a blessing.



Monday, September 14, 2009

No Pain, No Gain? (Part 1)

There is never a day when I wake up and say, “Oh goody, I get to work out at the gym today!” I’m just being real here. Authenticity is important to me, and I’m not one of those women who will pretend that working out for two hours, every other day, is my idea of a good time - or something I look forward to with childlike anticipation! On the contrary, my early experiences on the elliptical machine were really more akin to an annual teeth cleaning or female exam or mammogram! But the psychological advantage of moderate to intense exercise, in comparison to the mental dread of an ice pick along the gum line, is that once you actually get going…you don’t want to stop! And I can’t remember EVER telling my dental hygienist to “Keep on scraping, this is awesome!”

I will not lie to you…it has taken me a decade to come to grips with the fact that being over 40 requires an adjustment to my rituals, routines and habits. I wish I could make a case for no exercise and just tell you that as long as you watch your diet, you’ll be fine. But that is simply not true. In actuality, I have paid attention to natural, organic food choices since my late 20’s. But eventually, I learned that all those salads and baked chicken breasts and tofu and blueberries were unable to stop my muscle mass from deteriorating, nor would they speed up my metabolism. Because as important as a good diet and nutrition are – and as important as it is to monitor your caloric intake – it is actually more important to initiate an exercise program as your first efforts towards physical health. (**Please consult with your physician before initiating a moderate to intense exercise program.).

Metabolism is typically associated with a person’s muscle mass – which declines with age. Our resting metabolic rate decreases about 2 – 5% every decade past 30 – which amounts to about 50-100 fewer calories burned per day and can also explain a decline in energy levels. Starting at age 40, women lose 6 – 8% of their muscle mass per decade!

This is the time to focus on activities that help maintain and build muscle mass such as a combination of resistance training and cardio activity. Here’s the good news: after just two months of strength training, three times per week for 40 minutes per session, women can recover a decade of muscle loss! An added perk to regular strength training is that it can also decrease age-related bone loss (osteopenia/osteoporosis) – common to women after menopause.

It’s time to stop putting off this very important, primary aspect of your health. God created your body to operate fully and effectively, with energy, vitality, and strength. You have a very important calling on your life – a purpose and a plan…a destiny. What He has for you to accomplish in this season of your life depends on you being healthy, strong and able to fulfill His “assignment.” I remember having that realization one day when I was speaking at a women’s group. I remember the Holy Spirit being so profoundly present in that meeting. I was ministering prophetically while many women came forward for prayer. In the middle of ministry, I became short winded and felt as though I needed to sit down and catch my breath. Afterwards, I remember thinking that I needed to get in better shape – because my calling depended on it. Your calling will be the center of your contentment in life – and God has equipped you with everything you need to carry that calling out for His glory. So, in order to be good stewards of this body He has graced us with, exercise is crucial.

Here are a few tips that I’ve learned that might help you get moving and grooving. Remember that what works for one person, may not work for another. For example, I cannot jog because it is too stressful on my ankles, and I learned that the hard way. But I can walk, which I do – on the treadmill. I also spend time on the elliptical machine and the stationary bicycle.
  • Try exercising to music. My workout became far less grueling when I included music – and seemed to go much faster. If family or friends ask you for gift ideas – mention an iPod – or something similar to use during your exercise routines. It will be a purchase well worth it.
  • Find a support person that you can talk with about your exercise program. A health coach, a friend, a family member. This is a great way to brainstorm an exercise plan that is realistic.
  • Write your routine down. Plan to start slow and increase your times, weight levels, repetitions as you go along. When I first exercised on the elliptical, I started slow at 10 minutes on Level 1. Over weeks and months, I increased the pace, the time, and the levels. I now spend 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level 4 with a fast pace. There is great satisfaction at seeing these improvements and you will be greatly energized as you continue watching your strength improve! Same with weight training. Start slow to give your muscles time to adjust and then gradually increase repetitions. It is best to increase repetitions, not necessarily the weight. Also, if you are using weight machines, make sure you have a trainer or knowledgeable person show you proper technique. Improper technique can occasionally cause injury.
  • Be consistent but not legalistic. To initiate an exercise plan that becomes a lifestyle change, you must find a place of consistency, making it a priority. Don’t set yourself up for a routine that you cannot keep consistent. For example, I don’t go to the gym every day. I go every other day. This is realistic for me when I’m in town. However, when I’m traveling, I don’t do gym work – I simply walk wherever I can and then slip back into my routine when I get home. Also, there are days when it is impossible for me to get to the gym, even though it’s my scheduled day to do so. There is room for grace that day – and I just pick up the routine the next day. The key is creating a routine that is realistic for you – but effective. You should aim for 3-4 exercise sessions per week.
  • Stay hydrated while working out. I always take a jug of water to the gym with me. And I sip it throughout my 2-hour workout. I learned the hard way that guzzling water after 30 minutes on the elliptical will lead to nausea. I now sip water every 2-4 minutes. This will keep you hydrated and also increase your energy and stamina.
  • Don’t eat a big meal before working out. And don’t eat a big meal after working out. I usually eat a protein snack before going to the gym. Generally, that is a handful of nuts and some yogurt or string cheese.
  • Remember that your spirit, soul and body are all connected. Exercise is a wonderful stress reducer. But exercise should not be stressful! I remember asking my doctor whether running through airports to catch flights could be considered an exercise routine. She laughed and said, “Umm…no. The stress of that negates any benefits.” Find forms of exercise that are not associated with stress. For one? Don’t take work to the gym! Make it a time of unwinding.

In the next post, I will share my specific exercise routine. In the meantime, if you have exercise questions send me an email. Also, share any comments or suggestions you might have in the comment section of this post.

Be Healthy, Be Blessed!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

No Quick Fixes! (Part 2)

There is the grapefruit diet, the cookie diet, the cabbage soup diet, the no carb diet, the all carb diet. There are pills that claim to rev your metabolism to that of a 17-year-old. There are liquid concoctions that promise to Roto-Rooter your entire 22 feet of intestines in three days so not one chocolate chip cookie, of the twelve you ate, can reside there and cause you grief. What causes us to seek extreme measures? Most likely, it’s all the promises of rapid weight loss. I mean, who is going to purchase a diet book on how to lose 12 pounds in a year? Perhaps, in a slower paced culture, a monthly loss of 1 pound of body fat would seem like a great goal. But for us living in this culture at this time…it’s not quick enough. On the television show, The Biggest Loser, contestants have 12-pound weight losses each week!**** We have expectations of instant reward. And so we seek to find the quick fix. And we are driven to extremes even when they compromise our total health.

I read an interview recently with a former contestant from The Biggest Loser. She had lost over 100 pounds while filming the show. When asked about her daily routine while on the show, she talked of days filled with hardcore exercise – to the point of getting up in the middle of the night to exercise on the elliptical machine while others were sleeping. She continued that extreme behavior at home, after the filming was over, and is now compelled to spend 4 hours a day at the gym. Somewhere in her efforts to achieve a healthy lifestyle of proper nutrition and exercise, she stepped over the line into extreme living which has thrown her life out of balance.

Equally extreme and out-of-balance is the opposite compulsion... “I’m not going to exercise at all. I don’t have time. I have more important things to do…”

In our rapidly progressive world of instant everything, it requires purposeful choices to step back and look for balance. I often see tendencies in myself toward extremes – whether it be working too many hours, expecting perfection in my world, looking at the negatives instead of the positives…. And through the years, I’ve looked for my own quick fixes that have never delivered any long term benefits.

What I’m learning in this midlife season is that if we truly want to seek total health in all areas of our lives – body, soul, spirit – then we must do some self-examination and kill the extremes that distract us. As important as it is to exercise our bodies, it is also vital to our health that we exercise the fruits and gifts of the Spirit. As important as it is to feed our soul and spirit with the Word of God, it is also important to take care of the temple – our physical body – that houses the soul and spirit.

I encourage you to spend some time in prayer and reflection as we examine our lives for extremes. And then let’s prayerfully commit to eliminate them in favor of balanced, total health.
In the next post, I will talk about my own struggle with finding balance in the area of physical exercise. I will share my current exercise regimen with lots of ideas and tips for women in my age group to create a healthy plan.

Be Blessed!

****Most early, large weight losses during extreme dieting are the result of fluid loss due to a sudden decrease in refined carbohydrates. One gram of carbohydrate holds on to 3 grams of water.

Friday, August 28, 2009

No Quick Fixes! (Part I)

You can probably guess what the number one American New Year’s resolution is….that’s right, “I’m going to get in shape!” I see evidence of this every January at my gym. The population explodes after the first of the year! By March, the numbers have dwindled. By June…it’s a relative ghost town in the women’s room at Bally’s Fitness in Gresham, OR...

This warrants some thought. What really causes us to give up on our goals? Why is staying focused on a good idea, such as getting in shape, so hard? Why do we have that initial burst of adrenalin in January and then detour to Dairy Queen and the couch in February?

I think there are some good obvious theories. Changing a habit or a pattern is not an overnight process. It didn’t take three weeks to gain 50 pounds so the expectation of a quick fix for losing it is a set up for failure. Most often, we set very lofty goals because we like to dream big. But research shows that true change – which comes from a full internal shift in patterns and habits, happens when goals are broken down into smaller, doable chunks. One of the primary reasons for “giving up” on our goals is trying to accomplish too much, too soon. We are overwhelmed – and we simply….give up.

For most women over 40 – getting out of shape was a gradual process. In our 20’s and 30’s we can ride a bit on the faster metabolism God has graced us with because all our hormones are working in sync with each other. As the hormonal balance begins to shift in our 40’s, 90% of women gain 10-15 lbs. Like it or not… it’s no longer possible to maintain a lean, healthy form after 40 unless there is some extra effort dedicated to that purpose. And that means movement. That means exercise. {**We will be talking about practical ideas, tips, and motivational tools for getting into a regular exercise program in upcoming posts}.

One of the less talked about theories as to why physical shape-up goals are often discarded before being reached involves the concept that God created us as uniquely integrated beings. In other words, it is impossible to separate and compartmentalize our physical selves from our emotional and spiritual selves. We are body, soul (emotions/mind) and spirit. All three are woven together and integrated – just like the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are separate, yet at the same time ONE.

Therefore, attempting a consistent nutrition and exercise plan without also taking into consideration the emotional and spiritual threads that play into our physical goals can sabotage our efforts. We all know, for example, that emotional eating is very real. We eat when we are stressed, depressed, exhausted, bored, angry, lonely, frustrated and/or dealing with internal pain and hurt. We also know that our body image is emotionally driven. Trying to focus on physical health – without also dealing with the emotional triggers – will only end in a bag of Doritos.

The same is true in another arena. Attempting to take care of our emotional health, without dealing with our spiritual health is an incomplete process, and will not result in total health. I encourage you to examine your commitment to total health. And let's get moving! Find a form of exercise you can commit to - start slow and small - and as you enter into the call to build your physical health - ask God to make you aware of any emotional and/or spiritual issues that could interfere with your goal. As a side note, very effective antidote for depression and anxiety, common at this season of life, is the increase of "feel good" serotonin that is released during moderate exercise! God really does think of everything!

In Part 2 of this post, we will be discussing the extremes we often fall into and how to seek and find balance in our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Be Blessed!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Challenge

God doesn't make mistakes. So, if you think something went terribly wrong when He designed you, then you've bought into a soul lie. It is my desire to see those soul lies erased and replaced! The truth is - your body is created to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. That's pretty awesome to think about! I Corinthians 3:16 puts it out there by asking, "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" And in verse 17, the point is driven home: "God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple."

It would make sense that since our bodies are God's dwelling place, we should take care of them. And after the age of 40, women tend to notice that this process requires some new strategies and a renewed sense of purpose and motivation!

For example, after the age of 40 our metabolism isn't quite the same (understatement), and the 6 donuts we ate while studying for a college exam at 19 might as well be duct taped to our thighs after 40. And our emotional centers shift. What once seemed like a glass half full attitude has become a more cynical, more depressed version of a glass half empty. And our once vibrant, zealous faith has given way to rituals and routines...and masks that are worn to church to cover the problems, struggles and pain that we're sure we shouldn't have at such a wise age.

This blog is written for you...women over 40 seeking to find total health - body, soul, and spirit - in this amazing season of life. I challenge you, as I've challenged myself, to consider this a new day. Being over 40 is an amazing beginning. God has a purpose, a plan, and a calling for your life - and He created your temple as the vessel to receive it. As we choose to make choices that will strengthen our vessels, we position ourselves for the greatest years of our lives - healthy, passionate, purposeful years.

In this blog you will hear about my own journey - from hitting both the 40 mark and the 50 mark - to what it's like facing 60! And you will find links, lists, information, tips, ideas, hints and strategies that I've spent over 25 years gathering, researching and living!

Will you take the challenge to become the healthy, passionate, purposeful woman God created? Will you position your temple to be whole in body, soul, and spirit - so you can move into the future with vibrant energy, healthy confidence and the power to live out your destiny?

As a health coach and as a woman of faith over 40 (and 50!), I am here to support you - as we take this journey together!

Be Blessed!

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